
Scotsman Jumper Classic (UHJA Recognized)

Organizer: Haley Johnson info@scotsmancenter.com

**4/26/24 Update:
*STABLING IS FULL!! Please DO NOT select stabling options after 4/26. Instead email info@scotsmancenter.com to waitlist.
*Entries are still open! --ALL ENTRIES MUST "CHECK" & PAY THE OFFICE FEE-- Entries without the office fee will lose their stabling request and get sent to the back of the waitlist.
*Late fees apply tomorrow 4/27/24!

**4/9/24 Update: UHJA does not award points for classes offered below 0.70m. Those classes have been removed and a couple of minor class errors have been fixed. Sorry for any confusion!*

Join us for a fun day of jumping for the money at this show recognized by the Utah Hunter Jumper Association (UHJA)! Casual english clinic attire required. Food vendor on site. Show to take place in Scotsman's 300x150' outdoor arena unless inclement weather pushes us to the indoor. Placings 1st -5th, special prizes for 1st, and $3k awarded in Classic prize money!

UHJA - (Table II, sec 2b) UHJA members are eligible for points towards UHJA year end awards.
Open - (Trot poles to 0.70m classes are optimum time. Classes 0.80m and above are Speed {Table II, sec 1})
Classic - (Trot poles to 0.70m classes are optimum time. Classes 0.80m and above are Table II, sec 2b)
Pony Jumper (0.80m)(Table II, sec 2b)

NOTE: In a USEF Table II, sec 2b class, riders must jump a clear round to qualify for a jump-off round, starting with a buzzer, immediately following the clear round. Riders with a clear round are placed according to the fastest clean jump-off.

Trot poles
Cross bars A (Trotting)
Cross bars B (Cantering)
.70m (3 classes)
.80m (4 classes, incl. a pony jumper division)
.90m (3 classes)
1.0m (4 classes, incl. a UHJA Medal class)
1.10m (3 classes)
1.15m (open only)

***NOTE: Maximum 4 classes and 2 schooling rounds allowed per horse. Classes must be same height or adjacent height divisions.***

-Show Fees---
$35 Flat office fee (required)
$25 UHJA, Open, or Pony class
$35 Classic class
$15 Schooling rounds (max 2)

$15 companion horse
$20 day stall
$30 overnight stall
$25 Dry camping
$35 RV hook up (30 amp & water)

8:00am - 8:45am Warm up
8:45am Show office opens
9:15am Show starts with trot poles
30 min lunch break/arena groom after 0.80 classes (around noon, TBD)

Organizer Notes

No refunds after closing date. In the event of cancellation. All show fees will be refunded, less the $35 office fee. Classes changes are OK until rider check-in on show day. After check-in, changes are not allowed. On show day, classes may be added on, according to show schedule and secretary approval (but not guaranteed!)

Trot Poles (Open)


Trot Poles (Classic)


Cross Bars A (Open)


Cross Bars A (Classic)


Cross Bars B (Open)


Cross Bars B (Classic)


.70m (UHJA)


.70m (Open)


.70m (Classic)


.80m (UHJA)


.80m (Open)


.80m (Classic)


.80m (Pony)


.90m (UHJA)


0.9m (Open)


0.9m (Classic)


1.0m (UHJA)


1.0m (UHJA Medal)


1.0m (Open)


1.0m (Classic)


1.10m (UHJA)


1.10m (Open)


1.10m (Classic)


1.15m (Open)


Schooling round #1


Schooling round #2


  • Late Fee$35.00
  • Office Fee *REQUIRED FOR VALID ENTRY*$35.00
  • Companion horse$15.00
  • Day stall (pre-bedded)$20.00
  • Overnight stall (pre-bedded)$30.00
  • Dry camping$25.00
  • RV Hook ups$35.00

Administrative Information

  • Ride Time: Ride times will be posted to the Scotsman Center Facebook page by Friday, May 3rd.
  • Trailer Direction: Parking is behind the Scotsman building. Drive through chain link gate on the North side (between the main building and the dance studio). Then drive around back and park DIAGONALLY, FACING SOUTHEAST, and leaving "drive lanes" in front of and behind you for trailers to pull through. Please park with a 1-2 horse distance between you and the next trailer.
  • Change Policy: Changes are permitted before registration closes.
  • Refund Policy: Refunds are permitted before registration closes.
  • Entry Option(s) Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER