Bandaging & Leg Care Clinic
Join us for another wonderful hands on clinic as we discuss leg care and bandaging. We will be covering topics such as bandaging before, during and after exercise. We will discuss icing, hoof wraps, types of boots for stable, work and travel and various techniques. Lecture brought to you by Liv Gude of ProEquineGrooms.com and Assistant Trainer Lisa Hellmer. Bring lots of your questions and we will provide plenty of answers. This event is sponsored by Veredus, IceHorse, Steri-hoof, Shapley's and Wahl!!! Participants will learn about the use of their products to protect and care for their horses legs! We look forward to having you! Event will be on January 13th 9am-12pm.
Organizer Notes
1 Day Clinic Instructor: Liv Gude
Administrative Information
Change Policy: Changes are not permitted.
Refund Policy: No refunds.
Entry Option(s)
Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER